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#1 01-10-7 14:54


这个只有1.7M的Beatmodel却包含了14个效果器,每个效果器的预置参数也十分丰富。表现效果最好的是Amplee、Chorus、Resobeat、Ringbeat、Sterodelay、Vstero 2D这几个组件,除了可以制作出奇怪的镶边效果、延迟效果,还可以作出立体声增强等等效果。并且界面也十分好看。虽然不能跟大牌的Waves、Dsound、TC等媲美,但是也可以算是一种另类的新选择了!

#2 01-10-7 21:06

#3 02-11-10 04:34

BeatModel Amplee
Amplifier Simulator
From mellow blues to heavy metal. The Amplee can really make a difference. The versatility of the structure makes it possible to design your own amps. It is not limited to guitar processing, it can be used on almost anything from vocals to whole mixes.

BeatModel ResoBeat
Resonant Filtering
The ResoBeat works like an analog resonant synth filter with distortion and a delay.The frequency and resonance can be controlled by the envelope, an LFO and a joystick, simultaneously, which adds to the number of possible uses. It can be used in many different ways, for example to simulate autowah, lowpass sweeps or techno style synth filtering.

BeatModel RingBeat
Ring Modulator
A radical ring modulator. The modulation can be controlled by envelope, LFO and joystick. The possibility to mixing the carrier with the ring modulation makes it possible to create a lot of ethereal strange atmospheric sounds.

BeatModel Stereo Delay
Stereo Delay
The delay time of each channel can be adjusted, and scaled by measures. In each channel there are also controls for initial delay offset, regeneration and crossfeed. The two parametric equalizer modules in the feedback loop and the possibility to filter the dry signal, gives you tonal control of the direct and delayed sound. The feedback can be saturated.

BeatModel OptiVerb
Studio Reverb
A tool for room modelling. A reverb width early reflections and dense late reflections. A two band parametric equalizer and a filter direct button can be used to adjust the reverb, or to create more synthetic sounds.

BeatModel Comp 860xd
Studio Compressor and Limiter
Analog style compressor with a limiter. Driven softly it operates smoothly in the background. Driven hard it really adds character to the material. The limiter on the output makes it possible to keep the signal really high without clipping.

BeatModel OptiEQ
7-Band Parametric Equalizer
A 7-band parametric equalizer. In each band you can choose between 6 different filter types with adjustable gain, frequency and Q. The OptiEQ has a big spectrum window that accurately shows the frequency response.

BeatModel VStereo 2D
Stereo Virtualizer and Widener
Stereo widener with both virtual stereo and stereo widening, and you can invert the phase of each channel.

#4 02-11-10 04:35

BeatModel Flanger
Stereo Flanger
A clean sounding stereo flanger with feedback and stereo phase control. It can be modulated by sinus, triangle, exponential and random LFO.

BeatModel Chorus
Stereo Chorus
This chorus uses up to four stereo voices with adjustable stereo phase and group phase to achieve variation in the chorus sounds. It can be modulated by sinus, triangle, exponential and random LFO.

BeatModel AutoPan
Auto Panner
The AutoPan pans the sound between the speakers at a specified rate. It can be modulated by sinus, triangle, square and exponential LFO. The phase control makes it possible to use for tremolo and can with a square signal really chop up the sound, in sync with the tapped in tempo.

BeatModel Phaser
Stereo Phaser
A phaser width up to twelve stages. feedback, crossfeed and variable number of stages. A Phaser is commonly used to add vibrato to for example organs or guitars, or as a slow sweeping stereo effect.

BeatModel NoiseGate
Noise Gate
A noise gate with controls for open and close threshold, minimum sound level, attack, release, hold an gain. It can be used on vocal or guitar tracks to remove unwanted noise between notes, or to modify drum loops.

BeatModel Comp-S
Fast Compressor
This plug-in is a good sounding simple compressor that uses very little processing power, which makes it possible to use on several tracks at the same time without loading the processor to much. It has controls for threshold, ratio, attack, release and gain.


下载demo:http://www.thelotron.com/files/BeatModelT12Demo.exe  不过讨厌的是每隔10秒钟要停1秒。

#5 02-11-11 17:07

#6 08-7-21 02:59
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