Elemental 3:Frequency Range – having all frequencies properly represented .
There are three primary goals when equalizing:(应用eq最重要的三个目的)
1) To make an instrument sound clearer and more defined
2) To make the instrument or mix bigger and larger than life
3) To make all the elements of mix fit together better by juggling frequencies so that each instrument has its own predominant frequency range
1) 使得乐器变得更清晰,更明显突出。
2) 使乐器或者MIXING的声音比生活中我们听到的更丰满更具立体感~
3) 通过调整乐器之间的频率范围,让所有乐器的排列变得更好更完美。
To make an instrument sound clearer and more defined (使得声音变得更清晰,更明显)
Even some sounds that are recorded well can be lifeless , thanks to certain frequencies being overemphasized or others being severely attenuated . More often than not , the lack of definition of an instrument is because of too much lower midrange in approximately the 400HZ to 800HZ area . This area adds a “boxy” quality to the sound .
即使某些声音在录音上没有问题,但是声音听起来没生命,没动力的,而这些问题的原因就是某一个频率点过度提高或者其他问题引起的过度衰减.在很多时候,因为中频范围中400HZ到800HZ这个范围的频率太低了,导致乐器缺乏清晰度(很难凸现出来).而提高这个区域的频率会让声音听起来更” boxy “ (翻译是矮矮胖胖的,我想是模糊的意思),如果过多就不好了.(只是是什么感觉,建议大家自己尝试尝试,或者参考这里http://www.audiobar.net/viewthre ... &extra=page%3D1,其实他们都出自同一本书).
A) Set the boost /cut knob to a moderate level of cut (8 or 10dB should work ).
BOOST(提高)/CUT(衰减) 旋钮设置到一个合适的衰减级别上(例如设置到8dB 或者10dB ).
B) Sweep through the frequencies until you find the frequency where the sound has the least amount of boxiness and the most definition.
C) Adjust the amount of cut to taste . Be aware that too much cut will cause the sound to be tinner.
D) If required , add some “point ” to sound by adding a slight amount (start with only a dB; add more to taste) of upper midrange (1kHz to 4kHz).
如果有需要,对声音的某些中高频(UPPER MIDRANGE,大约1KHZ到4000KHZ之间)的频率点(我猜想这里的”point”是这个意思吧)进行些微的提高(开始的时候1dB,然后可以提高更多).
E) If required , add some “sqarkle” to sound by adding a slight amount of high frequencies (5kHz to 10kHz).
F) If required , add some “air” to sound by adding a slight amount of the brilliance frequencies(10kHz to 15kHz).
Always try attenuating ( cutting ) the frequency first . This is preferable because all equalizers add phase shift as you boost , which results in an undesirable coloring of sound . Usually , the more EQ you add, the more phase shift is also added and the harder it will be to fit the instrument into the mix . Many engineers are judicious in their use of EQ . That being said , anything goes ! If it sounds good , it is good.
Alternate method
1) Starting with your EQ flat , remove ALL be bottom end by turning the low frequency control to full cut .
2) Using the rest of your EQ tune the mid-upper midrange until the sound is thick yet distinct .
3) Round it out with a supporting lower-mid tone to give it some body .
4) Slowly bring up the mud-inducing bottom end enough to move air , but not so much as to make the sound muddy.
5) Add some high frequency for definition.
Equalize to make the instrument or mix bigger and larger than life (使乐器或者MIXING的声音比生活中我们听到的更丰满更具立体感)
“ Bigness” usually comes from the addition of bass and sub-bass frequencies in the 40Hz to 250Hz range . This will come from a region below 100Hz , a region above 100Hz or both .
A) Set the boost/cut knob to a moderate of boost ( 8 or 10dB should work).
BOOST(提高)/CUT(衰减) 旋钮设置到一个合适的增益级别上(例如设置到8dB 或者10dB ).
B) Sweep through the frequencies in the bass band until you find the frequency where the sound has the desired amount of fullness.
C) Adjust the amount of boost to taste . Be aware that too much boost will make the sound muddy.
D) Go to the frequency either half or twice the frequency that you used in b and add a moderate amount of that frequency as well . Example : if your frequency in b was 120Hz , go to 60Hz and add a dB or so as well . If your frequency was 50Hz , go to 100Hz and add a bit there.
1. it’s usually better to add a small amount at two frequencies than a large amount at one .
2. Be aware that making an instrument sound great while soloed may make it impossible to fit together with other instruments in the mix.
Rule of thumb—The fewer instruments in the mix , the bigger each one should be . Conversely , the more instruments in the mix , the smaller each one needs to be in order for all to fit together .
Equalize to make all the elements of a mix fit together better by juggling frequencies so that each instrument has its own predominant frequency range (通过调整乐器之间的频率范围,让所有乐器的排列变得更好更完美。)
A) Start with the rhythm section(bass and drums).The bass should be clear and distinct when played against the drums . especially the kick and snare .
由节奏部分(BASS 和 DRUMS)开始。当Bass依傍着DRUMS来演奏,那么BASS的声音就会清晰而且明显。
Each instrument should be heard distinctly . If not do the following:
1) Make sure that no two equalizers are boosting at the same frequency . If so , move one to a frequency a little higher or lower.
2) If an instrument is cut at a certain frequency , boost the frequency of the other instrument at that same frequency . Example :The kick is cut ant 500Hz . Boost the bass at 500Hz.
如果一个乐器在某一频率点上做了衰减,那么在其他乐器上的相同频率点上做提升增益。例如:KICK 在 500Hz做衰减,那么就在BASS的500Hz上做提升。
B) Add the next most predominant element , usually the vocal and proceed as above .
C) Add the rest of the elements into the mix one by one . As each instrument is added it should be checked against the previous elements as above.
1. The idea is to hear each instrument clearly and the best way for that to happen is for each instrument to live in its own frequency band .
2.After frequency juggling , an instrument might sound terrible when soloed by itself . That’s Ok , the goal is that is work in the track.
这些文字来自《The Mixing Engineers Handbook》
本帖最后由 Ying 于 2006-8-14 02:09 编辑 ]