下載以後請先打開txt說明檔 (Read-me (must read).txt)閱讀破解說明
1) open FL7xxl and open flstudio7.exe and install do default directory (C:\program files\image-line\fruity loops 7)
do not run afterwards.
2) Open the popup.reg file and add it to registry
3) Go to the engine folder and copy every file and every folder and paste it into the default install directory
and over write everything.
(打開同目錄下的engine資料夾,把里面全部的文件和文件夾都復制到fl studio的安裝目錄下,然后覆蓋.)
4) open crack and also copy those files into the directory. Run crack.exe from the directory (if you are
using vista, right click, run as administrator) and then click the crack button.
5) Run Fruity Loops and enjoy your sweet music
ps. 順便問幾個小白問題好了^^orz
1) 如何在水果里控制音樂,例如某一段落有漸強,減弱等效果..?
2)為什麼我作曲完以後存成flp格式,下次再開檔的時候, 音樂音源的記錄都沒有呢?要重新調整好麻煩>"<
以上,感謝高人解答<(_ _)>
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