dude...i used to use fuityloops and it was ok...but the samples are not good ...very cheap sounding um the interface is easy and fun....no mac os versions....ever is what fruityloops ppl said only for windows ummmmm ...oh yea i use reason REASON is god i love it the sampl cd is 500megs the interface is a bt hard but once you figure i out youll love it frutyloopsis harder to do complicated things with ...the program the full prog is only 12 megs reason is 500+ thats counting samples but fruiyloops has only 5megs of samples if you want to check out and test the sounds between the two go to www.mp3.com/braddyb for my stuff on reason.......and www.mp3.com/mad_basil......check out the difference in sound peace...... and please e-mail me :cool: