? The TG12413 plug-in is an emulation of the compressor ?
? / limiter from the legendary EMI TG12345 mixing ?
? console, which was used on many classic recordings ?
? such as The Beatles?Abbey Road and Pink Floyd抯 Dark ?
? Side of the Moon. The TG12345 consoles were never ?
? sold commercially and were only available to EMI ?
? studios. ?
? ?
? The plug-in brings the sound of this rare and sought ?
? -after unit to the modern DAW user and sets a new ?
? standard in vintage hardware modelling. It functions ?
? as a 2:1 compressor or as a limiter with up to 20dB ?
? of gain reduction. It accurately reproduces the ?
? behaviour of the original and features an authentic, ?
? TG-style graphical interface. In addition, it can be ?
? used in multi-channel configurations, supporting up ?
? to 7.1 surround operation. ?
? ?
? Two plug-in modules are included, providing ?
? variations on the TG sound: the ?969? module is ?
? modelled on the original from the TG12345 console and ?
? the ?005?module is based on Chandler Limited抯 TG1 ?
? compressor / limiter. ?
? ?
? ?
? Key Features ?
? ?
? ?
? Classic and contemporary modules ?
? ?
? Compressor and limiter modes from the original ?
? hardware ?
? ?
? TG-style controls and gain reduction meter ?
? ?
? Mono, stereo and multi-channel operation ?
? ?
? Automation and control surface support ?
? ?
? ?
? ?