Trust me... dual cores are voodoo.... I am seeing some things that you really do not want to see in the way the processor scheduling works... in realtime critical apps... like SAWStudio and especially SAC... it is quite a horror story when you get down deep to cpu and thread context switching at less than 1 ms increments.... many delays and flat-out bizzarre issues that crop up from machine to machine... from service thread to service thread... from one driver to the next... just from whether the task manager or something like it is running at the same time or not.... it is quite the journey trying to lock it all down... and for what... not very much, if any performance gains... in many cases performance losses... and a definite attack on overall stability.
The exact same code will fail on my hyperthreaded cpu and work perfect on my true dual core... load has no bearing... the hyperthread causes some very real issues in and outside my code that throws the critical timing for a spin... perfectly demonstartable... in fact... I can have total distortion and buffer slippage happening on the hyperthread and then switch to the single cpu option, on the fly without even stopping the engine, and the audio clears up perfectly, instantaneously...
I am working hard on it.... but believe me.... a single cpu is a much more stable beast, with no question about it, in my opinion.
Bob L