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#1 08-4-26 01:19


我的CORE 2 DUO基本上永远有一个核心不工作,MIXDOWN的时候1个核心100%,另外一个0%。FORCE SINGLE CPU我没选~是软件的问题吗?

#2 08-4-26 08:37

#3 08-4-26 11:09
The SS engine only accesses the second processor when the engine is running... so... start playback and you should see dual activity.

It splits all display and disk access to one cpu and keeps the entire MT loop and driver access on the second.

I found this to be the best method for the highest performance... others may argue differently... but the results are what I gauge by.

VST and DX plugs mostly process in floating point, so adding them into the loop starts to defeat the idea of keeping the purity of the integer math engine at the forefront... most of the good native plugins have tried to maintain the integer format where possible.

Even I broke from the integer for a small portion of the built-in eq code, but when I do, I use hand coded floating point assembly language and never rely on compilers to make my final code image decisions for me... I pay very close attention to the instructions and the order used to minimize or remove the floating point issues that cause problems. There are many optimization gurus out there who could even take my code much further and optimize for specific cpu pipeline architectures and so forth, but in general, my code has been known to attain extremely high performance on most machines it encounters.

Have fun with your experimentations... listen to the results... learn the interface and watch my demo videos online for an idea how things should look to you as you move around in the program.

Good Luck,

Bob L

#4 08-4-26 11:22
要完美利用多核心, 在音頻界(或電腦界)還需時, 因為中間牽涉很多不同硬件、不同驅動的問題, 只要其中一個不支持, 也影響工作,
多核心平衡工作 , 即是說把工序分拆給各cpu再重組結果是相當複雜, 如果是一個專門針對性工作的軟件平台還會好些 。

saw 現時對雙核心已有不錯的支持, 至於是否充分, 可以說, 在要照顧穩定性的大前提下, "是的"。

[ 本帖最后由 himhui 于 08-4-26 11:28 编辑 ]

#5 08-4-26 13:36

#6 08-5-2 19:51
To be honest... I am seeing lower loads when forcing to one cpu... the dual context switching on all the driver threads... especially for MME.... one thread per device... randomly being assigned to different processors on the fly... things get real complicated... at very low latencies, the cpu switching time can actually cost performance speed because everything is happening in less than a ms... so be aware... more cpus does not necessarily mean higher performance. In the case of SAC and SS on a dual... I would probably try keeping SAC on one cpu and SS on the other... this would have be done in the task manager. Bob L

從BOB的觀察當中, 可以知道 多CPU 不代表一定有高效能的表現, CPU的切換往往影響工作速度, 把工作放在單CPU上在現階段仍有不錯的表現。

現時在雙CPU的情況下, SAW 是把 MT 的循環放在 第2顆 CPU運行, 而第一顆 CPU 負責 顯示 和 硬盤的寫和讀;  SAW 和 SAC 同時運行的話, 它們也將會分別被安排到兩顆 CPU 工作。

其實在國外論壇也看到很多 8 CORE 的機器 跟第三方軟件有不兼容的問題出現, 不過多核心將會是主流, 就等它盡快成熟, 那麼一天我們就能真正享受其優勢.......

#7 08-5-2 23:27

Trust me... dual cores are voodoo.... I am seeing some things that you really do not want to see in the way the processor scheduling works... in realtime critical apps... like SAWStudio and especially SAC... it is quite a horror story when you get down deep to cpu and thread context switching at less than 1 ms increments.... many delays and flat-out bizzarre issues that crop up from machine to machine... from service thread to service thread... from one driver to the next... just from whether the task manager or something like it is running at the same time or not.... it is quite the journey trying to lock it all down... and for what... not very much, if any performance gains... in many cases performance losses... and a definite attack on overall stability.

The exact same code will fail on my hyperthreaded cpu and work perfect on my true dual core... load has no bearing... the hyperthread causes some very real issues in and outside my code that throws the critical timing for a spin... perfectly demonstartable... in fact... I can have total distortion and buffer slippage happening on the hyperthread and then switch to the single cpu option, on the fly without even stopping the engine, and the audio clears up perfectly, instantaneously...

I am working hard on it.... but believe me.... a single cpu is a much more stable beast, with no question about it, in my opinion.

Bob L

#8 08-5-2 23:36

SAwstudio is written for dualcore systems, and I beleive SAC is as well. So I dont think that having a specific change to the code would help things work better... The way dual-core and dual-processor systems work simply causes issues with all software.

The only audio program I've seen that has a great benefit from dual-cores is Podium, and the author has done some rather awesome things on that front... and IIRC even he recommends single core given the same available IPS.

I've been told that Sonar uses dual-core systems well, but I've also seen plenty of proof on their own forums that it causes trouble too.
Lovingly signed,
Robert Randolph

#9 08-9-5 11:11

sawstudio 是支持雙核, sac 也是, 故此改動編程也不會有大幫助, 其實很簡單, 很多時候是雙核的工作方式導致軟件出現問題...

我見過唯一能取得雙核優點的音頻軟件是 Podium, 開發者前期確下了不少功夫, 但他也推薦單核也能達到同樣效果.....

有人告訴我 sonar支持雙核, 但在sonar論壇經常看到很多問題的發生....


這位人兄也曾參與過一些公司破解自己產品的工作.......也認識破解組織朋友,   他說 上一代破解組織有個共識, 為了專重bob在軟件上的才華和貢獻, 他們不去碰 sawstudio...

[ 本帖最后由 himhui 于 08-9-5 23:08 编辑 ]

#10 08-9-5 13:36

回复 himhui 的帖子


sawstudio 是支持雙核, sac 也是, 故此改動編程也不會有大幫助, 其 ...




#11 08-9-5 21:45

#12 08-9-6 07:13
找了一些 PODIUM 的圖片....

[ 本帖最后由 himhui 于 08-9-6 23:40 编辑 ]

#13 08-9-6 22:20

#14 08-9-8 11:06

#15 08-9-8 14:28
Nuendo可以啊...- -b
当年是AMDx2 3800+ OC 2.7g,主板还是传说中的NvidiaSLI 16x,Asus的A8N32SLI,至今还在做二nai鸡
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