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SAC 2.8內容

( 8 )

#1 11-6-3 21:13

SAC 2.8內容

This version has finally arrived. Lots of internal work done on the engine to trap out some of the reported issues.

A few new enhancements. More to come in 2.9.

Don't forget to also download the SAC Remote 2.8 in the Misc Downloads section of the SAC site.


Bob L

Version 2.8

* Modified the SACLink code to recognize the extended track count and recording options in SAWStudio 5.0.

* Modified code to add the MotorMix 24 chan midi control template capability.

* Added the Mackie Control Single Extender midi control template.

* Modified code to use the Ctrl-Break key combination (instead of the Break key alone) for the Forced Engine Shutdown function in the event of a hung audio driver condition.

* Added a new menu item to the Mixer Menu called Disable Default Value Snap-To. This option, when active, disables the [Left-Right-Click] or [Ctrl-Left-Click] snap-to default values for all controls.

* Output Sub Grp Latches now display the src meter tap of the group mix regardless of the master meter tap setting. This now allows the out group fader to be offset to any reference position (alt-adjust) without disturbing the meter from reading the actual level of the group mix. When selected as an actual physical group fader, everything responds according to normal settings.

* Added code to support changing mixers with the keyboard number keys in the three Fx patch windows.

* Modified code so that the SACLink Recall Scene By Name function recalls the scene without changing the scene selection in the scene view window. It will also ignore the Auto-Advance option.

* Modified the VST Options popup menu to display the plugin reported latency at the bottom of the menu. The option is grayed out and is used for informational purpose only. If this value is not zero, the plugin will be internally bypassed by the SAC engine. Some plugins may report zero or some latency value, but pass blank buffers of the correct size until generating real data… these plugins will function in SAC, but could cause phasing and latency issues because the real data is late.

* Eliminated the unused Edit Menu option from the main menu.

* Mute Thru Latches have been modified to behave as set even when part of groups or group latches. No matter how a mute switch gets activated (directly or thru group or group latches), the Mute Thru setting will behave correctly as set for that chan. You should test previous sessions and scenes that use Mute-Thru-Latches to make sure they are behaving as expected. In some cases you may have to modify the settings to achieve the same results as before.

Bug Fixes
* Fixed code to allow Midi Controllers to properly handle Latch and Rvs Latch groups.

* Fixed code to properly save and restore DirX and VST Plugin bypass switch setting with mix sessions and templates.

* Fixed code to stop Output Sub Grp Latches from adding group signal into the solo bus when the Out Grp chan is soloed. Now only the grouped input chans properly mix into the solo bus.

* Grouped chans now correctly clear previously active group solos when the group solo is toggled off. The active solo lite is also correctly disengaged.

* Fixed code to remove Task Manager CPU spike when checking for slipped buffers.

* Fixed code to trap for false value jumps on popup fader activation by accident when mouse-click release is held long enough to release just as the popup fader is beginning to display.

* Fixed code to trap for possible divide by zero errors in the fader display scaling routines.

* The Shift-Left-Click on the Live Lite to re-sysnc the audio engine has been fixed to work correctly from remotes.

* Fixed code to allow main menu selection using one press of the Alt-Key and then the menu option key. This now also allows a keyboard switch to SAWStudio thru the SACLink with a press of the Alt-Key and then the L-Key.

* Fixed code to properly pass keyboard commands back to the currently active window while a timed message is displayed onscreen.

* Fixed code to trap for crash when a midi controller and mouse are adjusting the same fader at the same time.

* Fixed code to properly ignore any remote default mix template when clearing the session on a connected remote. This helps eliminate corruption caused by the blending of the default mix template data and the host data.


#2 11-6-3 22:55
虽然看不懂 搬个凳子来听课 哈哈

#3 11-6-3 22:55
太帅了 沙发!哎 2.7还没有p呢、、、

#4 11-6-4 00:43

#5 11-6-4 06:47
原帖jelon007 于 11-6-4 00:43 发表

SAWStudio 4.9 will work fine (wirh SAC 2.8)..... 5.0 is coming pretty fast to open up the track and recording count. Unless there are other interruptions... 5.1 will add the long awaited features.

Bob L

#6 11-6-5 11:10
阿 Bob 連5.0都未有, 就講到5.1   .........

#7 11-6-6 12:14
原帖dabeat 于 11-6-5 11:10 发表

阿 Bob 連5.0都未有, 就講到5.1   .........


#8 11-6-14 06:36
5.1SURROUND   [:G:] [:G:]

#9 12-1-20 01:00
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