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( 15 )
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#1 15-9-30 05:16


由于文件大于1G,上传不了云盘,请移步到 https://www.avid.com/CN/ 登录自己的帐户下载

#2 15-9-30 07:46
分解压缩上传 就可以了嘛

#3 15-9-30 10:07
General Compatibility
Pro Tools 12 does not support video capture (PTSW-181456)
Pro Tools 12 does not have the ability to record video to the timeline. Co-install Pro Tools 10.3.10 (or higher) on the same system and
use an Avid Mojo SDI to record video into Pro Tools 10. The captured video can then be used in Pro Tools 12.
Pro Tools 12 does not allow import of WMA files (PTSW-181506)
If you attempt to import a WMA file into a Pro Tools 12 session, Pro Tools cannot convert the file and posts a “file is unreadable”
message. Co-install Pro Tools 10.3.10 (or higher) on the same system, import the WMA file, and convert it to a format supported by
Pro Tools 12.
Pro Tools 12 sessions that use more than 4 gigabytes of RAM will cause Pro Tools 10 or lower to quit unexpectedly
If you attempt to open a Pro Tools 12 session that uses more than 4 gigabytes of RAM in Pro Tools 10 or lower, Pro Tools will quit unexpectedly.
To open such sessions in Pro Tools 10 or lower, first reduce the amount of session RAM usage to less than 4 gigabytes in
Pro Tools 12 by removing virtual instruments that take up system memory.
OMF files that contain video are not compatible with Pro Tools 12 (PTSW-184397)
OMF sequences that contain video cannot be imported into Pro Tools 12. OMF sequences that contain embedded or referenced audio
files can be imported into Pro Tools 12. To import a sequence that contains video media, use a linked AAF sequence.
Pro Tools session file formats version 4.x and lower are not supported in Pro Tools 11 and higher (PTSW-181049)
Pro Tools session files from Pro Tools versions 4.x and lower are not recognized in Pro Tools 11 and higher. In the Pro Tools Workspace,
these files are listed as “unknown,” and cannot be opened. Co-install Pro Tools 10.3.6 (or higher) on the same system and open
the session files in Pro Tools 10. Save the session in the current Pro Tools session format, then open the session in Pro Tools 12.
Automatic Update Notification will not connect through a proxy server that requires authentication (108837)
Software Updater will not find an active Internet connection when behind a proxy server that requires authentication to gain Internet access.
To work around this, the client machine with Software Updater needs to be moved out from behind the proxy, or the proxy needs
to allow HTTP access via port 80 without requiring authentication.
Aero causes errors at lower HW Buffer sizes (103563)
With Aero enabled in Windows, Pro Tools will not play back without errors at HW Buffer sizes of 128 and below. Turn off Aero if you
want to use lower HW Buffer sizes.
Eleven Rack
Eleven® Rack Guitar Window not available in Pro Tools 12 (PTSW-184398)
Pro Tools 12 does not provide the Guitar Window for Eleven Rack that is available in lower versions of Pro Tools. Avid has made available
a 64-bit standalone version of the Eleven Rack Control Window found in Pro Tools 10 and earlier. Please see the following page
for more information about the 64-bit standalone Eleven Rack Editor: http://apps.avid.com/eleven-rack/

#4 15-9-30 10:08
General Pro Tools Issues
Pro Tools is slow to launch and may become unresponsive if a CD or DVD is mounted by your system. (PT-201624)
If a CD or DVD is mounted by your system, Pro Tools takes an exceptionally long time to launch. Additionally, Pro Tools may become
unresponsive while a CD or DVD is mounted by your system. To resolve this issue, exit Pro Tools, eject the disc, and then relaunch
Pro Tools.
Error messages are displayed while unzipping the downloaded Pro Tools installer zip file (PTSW-181403)
While unzipping the downloaded Pro Tools installer .zip file, errors are displayed saying that certain files are missing. If you proceed
and run the unzipped installer, then these files will be reported missing. To avoid this issue, move the downloaded .zip file to the root
(top most) directory of a volume first (such as the C: drive), and then unzip.
Clicking on a Pro Tools window that may be visible will not always bring Pro Tools to the foreground, especially if a process
is running in Pro Tools (such as Bounce to Disk)
If Pro Tools is not the foreground application, you can bring it to the foreground by doing one of the following:
 Click the Pro Tools icon in the Windows Taskbar.
 Press the Start+Tab keys to bring the Pro Tools application to the front.
Pro Tools does not launch (58531)
Pro Tools will not launch if hardware drivers are not installed or if there are no Inputs or Outputs set in the Control Panel for your audio
interface. If Pro Tools does not launch, be sure the drivers for your audio interface were installed before Pro Tools installation. For MAudio
and some third-party interfaces, if the drivers are already installed, go to the Control Panel for your audio interface and make sure
either the Analog or S/PDIF Inputs and Outputs are enabled.
Pro Tools quits unexpectedly when manually moving clips with sections out of the session length bounds (PTSW-188679)
Clips that are moved outside of the session bounds may cause Pro Tools to quit unexpectedly. To avoid this, adjust the Session Length
setting (in the Session Setup window) to ensure that there is sufficient time for all material in the session.
Session templates retain I/O settings and some preferences, display settings, and window layouts (PTSW-47133)
Pro Tools session templates retain the I/O settings and some of the preferences, display settings, and window layouts from the system
on which the template was created. Consequently, new sessions based on a template restores several session properties from the original
system. These properties are retained by Pro Tools until you change them or another session or template is opened that replaces them.
This also means that if a new blank session is created after using a template, the properties from the template will be used for the new
The properties retained from templates include default track height, view settings, window size and position, and I/O Setup. You can update
templates by making the desired changes, using the File > Save as Template command (be sure to select the “Install template in system”
option), and then selecting the template you want to replace.

#5 15-9-30 10:09

#6 15-9-30 10:58

#7 15-9-30 11:30

#8 15-9-30 12:01

#9 15-9-30 12:12
同样问一下 protools11的离线并轨和普通并轨有什么区别?时间快了很多 音质上有影响吗?

#10 15-9-30 13:42
kxc开小差 发表于 15-9-30 12:12
同样问一下 protools11的离线并轨和普通并轨有什么区别?时间快了很多 音质上有影响吗?


#11 15-9-30 15:40

#12 15-9-30 15:41
kxc开小差 发表于 15-9-30 12:12
同样问一下 protools11的离线并轨和普通并轨有什么区别?时间快了很多 音质上有影响吗?


#13 15-9-30 22:06

#14 15-10-3 07:48

#15 15-10-3 15:47
XBmusic 发表于 15-10-3 07:48

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