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Sonar / Cakewalk

Cakewalk SONAR Platinum UP10 WiN X64 X86 FiNAL Patch Only

( 1 )

#1 16-1-13 09:32

Cakewalk SONAR Platinum UP10 WiN X64 X86 FiNAL Patch Only


The full program can be downloaded from the first SONAR Platinum post,
Install SONAR_Platinum_UP10_Setup_21.10.0.32.exe
Chouse x64 and or x86
Replace SONARPLT.exe with patch version
For x64
Program Files\Cakewalk\SONAR Platinum
For x86
Program Files (x86)\Cakewalk\SONAR Platinum

Every-thing is sorted now should be no errors with save & export
and the demo pop-up is gone, >>> when closing projects <<<
was not sure i could do this DaW but try fail try fail try fail lol

#2 16-1-13 09:39
本帖最后由 狗公腰 于 16-1-13 09:43 编辑

# 22
http://www.audiobar.net/forum.ph ... tra=page%3D1&page=2
Every-thing is sorted now should be no errors with save & export
and the demo pop-up is gone, >>> when closing projects <<<
was not sure i could do this DaW but try fail try fail try fail lol

* 请仔细看Audio*Z原帖内容再思索发帖
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