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Cubase / Nuendo

[转贴] 转一个关于Cubase 8的BugList

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#1 16-3-26 00:02

转一个关于Cubase 8的BugList

本帖最后由 Bigjohn 于 16-3-26 00:08 编辑

Then, before you guys start thinking about Cubase pro 8 just look at this new bug list.

1 New render in place sometimes crash and does not work with mono track
2 Plugin messages are hidden underneath plugin window
3 Any Freeze Crashes Cubase When Other Tracks are Disabled
4 VCA fader channel volume issue
6 Problem with plugins featuring internal Drop Down Menus
7 OSX CPU spikes are still there
8 Melodyne crash Cubase when quit the instance
9 Audio glitches in templates from previous versions
10 mouse pointer does not scale with cursor when dragging
11 External FX cannot be saved as a preset
12 Cubase 8 Doesn't Start Under Win 8 High-Contrast Theme
13 Cubase 8 Video & GUI Stuttering
14 Meters in plugins, and in control room frozen
15 Re-Record Unreliable
16 Lane height will not be restored
17 Can't Route FX Channels To Groups
18 History window up/down arrows don't work
19 VCA Open "Edit Link Group settings" don't work!
20 VCA-Track itself and "Edit Link Group settings" issue!
21 drag and drop insert FX from input to output causes crash
22 Midi importing crash never seen before
23 ASIO guard messes up play tool in sample editor
24 Controller Lane 'Set-up' Missing (Intermittent)
25 Can't load saved vst connections
26 Cuemix Problem when Direct Monitoring is Selected
27 Elastique audiowarp bounces/renders still out of place
28 Many Kontakt instances causes crash after two hours

and many many many more, reported in their forum from all users. These people are not trolls, these are the people than make bugs report for free for a professional DAW can't be really Professional since 4 Years, since Yamaha got Steinberg. Sorry to say that but this is not fair, for users, for musicians, for any kind of DAW users. Reading Musictech magazine the best DAWs this year is Ableton Live and Logic X Pro. Steinberg lost all important users, all important musicians, and their flagship product letting space to these daws and the new one like Studio One. At the end of story they refuse to refund the users, impossibile to be refunded in any manner, no any kind of sorrow from their support, no any kind of bug fixing for the important bugs. Very very very disappointed.

#2 16-3-26 06:11
没有 bug 那就不叫软件了。
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