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[新闻] REAPER 5.32 is available

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#1 17-1-19 18:02

REAPER 5.32 is available

REAPER 5.32 is available, with the following updates:
  + Actions: ignore item/track/envelope focus in 'Item: Select all items' [t=186406]
  + API: add PCM_Source_GetPeaks, GetMediaItemTake_Peaks
  + API: add an additional sorting step to MIDI_Sort and other functions that sort MIDI from API [t=184459]
  + Automute: fix auto-mute detection on high channels when multichannel track metering is enabled
  + Configuration import/export: support web interface pages
  + Free item positioning: reposition items after dragging in new media items or gluing [t=183298]
  + JSFX: improve retina/hidpi support for various analysis plug-ins
  + MIDI: add action to set length for next inserted note to grid
  + MIDI: add mouse modifiers to insert note ignoring scale/key [p=1776708]
  + MIDI: add option to edit velocity only when mouse is within velocity bar [t=185372]
  + MIDI: add some notation actions to piano roll note context menu
  + MIDI: better support for cut/copy/paste of MIDI events from/to multiple tracks
  + MIDI: display notation meta-events in a lane in the piano roll
  + MIDI: edit text/sysex events on right-click, rather than deleting
  + MIDI: faster loading of very large .reascale files
  + MIDI: fix display of captured CC event value
  + MIDI: fix various cases when note edits extend the media item
  + MIDI: ignore double note-on or note-off messages when opening editor
  + MIDI: improve .ins (patch/bank) file reading [t=185235]
  + MIDI: respect event filter and mark selected events in raw MIDI viewer window
  + MIDI: show toolbar button feedback for actions to set next note length
  + MIDI: support loading custom CC names from note name map
  + MIDI: don't play back notation for muted notes
  + MIDI: preserve muted events during glue
  + Metering: add preference for pre-fader track metering with action to toggle
  + Mouse: add option to improve knob behavior with pen/tablet/absolute pointing devices
  + MusicXML: fix parsing of elements containing HTML entities [t=185242]
  + Notation: add "remove" button to tuplet dialog
  + Notation: add action to identify chords on grid
  + Notation: add support for manually entering chord notation
  + Notation: include user-defined chords (loaded from MIDI editor key snap dropdown) when identifying chords
  + Notation: add support for more note ornaments, techniques, types of slur, and per-note text notation
  + Notation: reduce clutter when drawing voiced notes, rests, ties, and ornaments
  + Notation: actions to change or select note voice affect tuplets [p=1776813]
  + Notation: fix chord notation sometimes not being visible immediately after entering
  + Notation: fix crescendo/diminuendo that spans multiple rows
  + Notation: fix erratic tuplet bracket positioning on grand staff [p=1775774]
  + Notation: fix potential hang in MusicXML export [t=185288]
  + Notation: fix setting one half of grand staff to +/- 8/15 va/vb (up or down one or two octaves)
  + Notation: hopefully less intrusive edit cursor drawing
  + Notation: improve tuplet autodetection
  + Notation: increase space between staves
  + Notation: note notation events may follow notes rather than preceding, may affect user scripts/plugins that read notation messages, best script practice would be not to assume any ordering
  + Notation: prevent grabbing the note edge when the note is very small
  + Notation: support "chart" clef (no notes, just beat markings and chord/other notation)
  + Notation: support copying/dragging notes to another staff row or track
  + Notation: support track notation that applies to a length of time (drag right hand edge of notation)
  + Notation: tuplet dialog remembers previous settings
  + Notation: when creating tuplets in a voice, set selected note voice to match even if not modifying note positions [p=1777017]
  + Peaks: add peaks display settings window
  + Peaks: fix issue where rebuilding peaks would not rebuild when multiple peaks files are present
  + Peaks: add sinc interpolation display option for sample-level peaks
  + Spectral peaks: add optional spectral peaks display, colored by pitch/tonal content
  + Project tabs: allow setting media online when switching tabs and background projects are playing
  + ReaFIR: add new improved default quality mode (previous behavior is now legacy 2007-2016 mode)
  + ReaFIR: decreased CPU use
  + ReaScript: allow up to 32M memory slots for each EEL script
  + ReaScript: ensure IDE is not completely offscreen when opening
  + Recording: fix issue when recording in background tab and record preroll in the active tab
  + Recording: fix varispeed item recording quirks
  + Recording: fix corner case with time selection autopunch recording [t=186068]
  + Transport: do not apply unedited text fields when enter is not pressed [t=185813]
  + Transport: improve behavior when adding tempo markers from BPM field [t=185813]
  + Undo: include modified envelopes in undo states when modifying time map [t=186284]
  + Video: improve behavior of video processor bypass automation
  + Video: include fullscreen state in screensets
  + Video: restore fullscreen state on re-open if window not docked
  + WavPack: improve large file reading support
  + WavPack: upgrade to WavPack 5.0
  + Windows: support configurable HiDPI behavior in prefs/general/advanced, new default behavior prevents plug-ins from enabling HiDPI
  + Windows: fix knob issues on Win10 HiDPI displays [t=168589]
  + Windows: improve knob behavior when adjusted from touch input


#2 17-1-19 18:10

#3 17-1-19 18:34

#4 17-1-19 18:45

#5 17-1-19 19:18

#6 17-1-19 20:27

#7 17-1-19 21:22
桔子 发表于 17-1-19 18:34


#8 17-1-19 21:38
整鼓专家 发表于 17-1-19 21:22


#9 17-1-19 22:23

#10 17-1-19 22:43
草包 发表于 17-1-19 22:23

你一个月不吃饭够不够买个Cubase 8.5 Pro教育版?

#11 17-1-19 23:32

#12 17-1-19 23:59
桔子 发表于 17-1-19 21:38


#13 17-1-20 00:02
Ryusa 发表于 17-1-19 23:32


#14 17-1-20 01:03
bobo198504 发表于 17-1-19 23:59
233333你还在纠结这个问题。。可是用这么久,没觉得掉帧哇?但我能看到50Hz和24Hz视频的区别,所以眼睛应 ...


#15 17-1-20 10:58



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