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[音色/音色库] 又來了!Spitfire Audio Chamber Strings

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#1 17-7-16 19:10

又來了!Spitfire Audio Chamber Strings

本帖最后由 IKOBOY 于 17-7-16 19:25 编辑

The Overview Panel
Gives you a quick and easy way to access, view and load the different articulations, mic mixes and essential controller functions which you can then re-assign to suit your workflow.

General Controls Panel
A deeper but still simple UI panel that allows you to tweak the general settings. How many round robins you would like and how you would like them to behave. How would you like memory to be organised alongside pitch options and how velocity works.

The Ostinatum
Quite simply a little inspiration machine. Not quite an arpeggiator, not quite a sequencer. This intuitive device allows you to build up complex patterns that react to your playing to achieve wild systems results tantalising Zimmeresque tension beds or cheeky multi-tonguing effects!

Small can be more beautiful. 16 of the finest string players, playing the finest instruments via the finest signal path in The Hall at Air Studios, London. A super deep-sampled encyclopaedia of string articulations and techniques. The Spitfire team's favourite string product to-date.

When many of us hear the word "chamber" we think of white wigs and harpsichords. In modern vernacular however it simply describes a band that is smaller than a symphony orchestra. So anything from a quartet to 40 odd players. Where strings are concerned it generally means a medium sized ensemble consisting of 5 sections (1st violins, 2nd violins, violas, cellos and basses).

Our desire was to create the definitive chamber strings project, recorded at Air Studios, that gives you the widescreen Hollywood sound we all desire, with a detail and ability to articulate that is harder with larger sized string sample libraries.

16 star players, 4 1st Violins, 3 2nds, 3 Violas, 3 Cellos & 3 Basses super deep sampled with over 244 articulations, including 38 shorts, 53 longs, 19 FX, and 45 extraordinary legato patches programmed by Andrew Blaney. Recorded with multiple round robins, dynamic layers and presented with 3 essential and versatile microphone positions. In addition to each individual section we also have a comprehensive selection of articulations and techniques presented in an 'ensemble' format designed for sketching and composing with 'out of the box' satisfaction.

Presented as a Kontakt Player library so no further purchases are necessary to run the library. We're also proud that it is our first NKS-ready release for use with NI hardware. It features a new 'intuitive' GUI with an inbuilt user manual.

Spitfire was built on a chamber strings project. Many of our friends, including A-list composers, complained that sampled strings were unwieldy, ill-defined and too epic. That for much of their output, sensitive and achingly beautiful quiet passages through to searing lyricism didn't require huge numbers but attention to detail. That symphonic ranges often tripled and quadrupled in size when playing lots of notes.

So we set about the difficult task of recording a chamber strings range which we shared as part of a private project with our nearest and dearest, and were delighted when it was received with huge amounts of optimism and encouragement.

Many, however, noted how it still sounded 'kind of big'. So we returned to the chamber challenge with a question: How small can we go before it no longer sounds like a section? The answer was 4,3,3,3,3. A uniquely intimate group of extraordinary players in one of the best recording locations. Originally available in volumes, this project has now taken 4 years of our life. We now present Spitfire Chamber Strings in a rationalised, and more instantly useable form. As mentioned before it is the Spitfire team's absolute favourite string range, admired for its beauty, its versatility but also its totally unique sonic character.

For us, if you're a composer looking to stand out from the herd, our Chamber Strings are worthy of your attention.


• 244 articulations; 38 shorts, 53 longs, 19 FX & 45 legatos.
• 16 Top London string players.
• Recorded in situ (ie: in the positions they would sit as a section)
• Recorded using priceless valve and ribbon mics.
• Neve Montserrat Pre-amps into a Neve 88R desk.
• Recorded digitally at 96k via 2" Studer tape.
• Deep sampled with multiple dynamic layers and round robins.
• Diverse and detailed with essential, additional and some totally unique articulations
• Legatos designed by Andrew Blaney
• Individual sections and ensembles.
• 3 Essential, diverse and most favoured mic positions: (C(lose), T(ree), A(mbient)
• Kontakt Player included
• NKS-ready
• New intuitive GUI with inline help system.
• Thousands of very proud and happy users around the globe!


TEAM MAGNETRiXX | 16 July 2017 | 75.3 GB


#2 17-7-16 19:13
Spitfire Audio 别无所求!

#3 17-7-16 19:15

#4 17-7-16 19:16
看测评 chamber的内存占用要更高额。。。

#5 17-7-16 19:16

#6 17-7-16 19:17
就等这个了 谢谢分享的

#7 17-7-16 19:24

#8 17-7-16 19:27
wocao  齐了 齐了

#9 17-7-16 19:34

#10 17-7-16 19:35
卧槽 齐了齐了

#11 17-7-16 19:46

#12 17-7-16 19:47
bailanshi 发表于 17-7-16 19:46


#13 17-7-16 20:24
wo kao !!!超级喜欢!!!!!!!!!!!

#14 17-7-16 20:46



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#15 17-7-16 20:47
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