Waves.Complete.V7r15.AU.RTAS.VST.VST3.MAC.OSX.Intel 安装详细说明
10-10-11 03:28 sanduisan 41 +5
折腾两晚 在 holyaria 的指导下 终于搞定 在此感谢holyaria 的指点!!! 现把全过程再明细一次!以方便还没安装陈功的朋友!!!
1。卸載 /刪除任何以前版本安裝的 waves
/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/Waveshell-AU 7.0.component
/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/WaveShell-VST 7.0.vst
/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3/WaveShell-VST 7.0.vst3
FOR RTAS USERS=/Library/application support/digidesign/plug-ins/Waveshell-DAE 7.0.dpm
/Users/AccountName(就是你的用户名)/Preferences/Waves Preferences
2,install waves from the installer package
從安裝程序安裝 waves 包
3,安装完成后还不要打开 protools 和 logic 9 先删除以下内容
remove these items from the Applications/Waves/Waves Plug-Ins folder:
PS22.bundle 1 (why this one was there I have no clue) (MultiRack.framework PS22.bundle 1 (why this one was there I have no clue) 这两个没有 就不用管了!)
4,打开 protoolshd8 出现对话筐不管他 ok下去 在一个就是把目录指向 Applications/Waves/Waves Plug-Ins 就全部找全了 protools就搞定了!
5,logic 9 請注意這段話 ;PS. !!! To validate in Logic (AU format) you have to first use the "Waves AU Reg Utility 7.0" found in here: App.s --> Waves --> Waveshells --> Waves AU Reg Utility 7 就是需要到 应用程序/Waves/Waveshells/里运行一次Waves AU Reg Utility 7.0这个程序
运新完后再打开 logic9 然后指向App.s --> Waves --> Waves Plug-Ins文件夹就行了,Enjoy!!!
6,如果logic 用得是 64位模式,第一次扫描waves会扫描不到。 改成用32位模式运行就ok了。之后再改回64位模式 也可以正常使用了。
Please take these steps to completely remove Waves from your Mac OS-X:
Note: If you created your own presets, saved to a preset menu,
please keep the 'Plug-ins Settings' folder, located at:
Your HD > Applications > Waves > Waves Plug-ins > 'Plug-ins Settings' - on your desktop.
After new installation, take that folder back to its original location.
1. Delete "Waves" folder located at: Your HD > Applications > Waves.
2. Please delete any WaveShell file in this location: System Hard-Drive> Library> Application Support >DigiDesign>Plug-Ins (if you have one)
3. Please delete any WaveShell files located in:
Your HD> Library> Audio>Plug-Ins>Components (also in the VST folder).
4. Please delete the Wave Preferences folder located in: System Hard-Drive>Users> Current User>Library>Preferences>Waves Preferences.
5. Please delete the Waves Caches folder located at: System Hard-Drive> Users> Current User> Library>Caches>Waves
6. Press Command+F and make a search for "WaveShell" and delete any file you find.
7. Empty trash.