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SynthEdit 0.9462 版下载

( 2 )

#1 03-2-25 14:19

SynthEdit 0.9462 版下载

WinXP , 2000 版本


Win98 , ME 版本


自从 0.943 版以来的升级:

Beta V 0.946.2

Fixed synths crashing in Fruity (let me know if you have any further probs)
Reduced CPU load on ""Play"" (Synthi AKS)

Beta V 0.946.1

MIDI Automation improved
Fixed screen corruption on large images (bassexpander)
PD Osc - Doesn't switch off permanently when pitch overloaded

Beta V 0.946

MIDI Automation works properly with NRPN messages
SDK - Auto duplicating plugs now working

Beta V 0.945

ASIO - More detailed error messages (let me know how it goes)
Fixed Note-on glitch (at low latency settings)
New Module ""Gate Combiner"" allows you trigger LFO etc from a gate signal, but still keep the LFO monophonic.
CPU improvements to some modules
SDK - New module ""Monitor"" (allows easy checking of plug output status)
SDK - New example ""Averager"", shows how to make auto-duplicating plugs
SDK - Added support for iterating clones
VST Plugin Crystal - Bank loading working again
SE VST Effects now work OK as Send effects in Cubase (they were muting audio output)

Beta V 0.944

ASIO improved, no crash if you don't have a Audio Out
CPU Improvements to Oscillator and other modules. Thanks to Chris Kerry for the advice.
SDK Improvements
Beta V 0.943

#2 03-2-25 14:31

#3 03-3-3 22:45
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