The vision and focus for Reason 13 was all about improving the workflow. Not because it is bad in Reason 12, but because it can always be even better. However, workflow is a tricky word because it means different things to different people and how they make music. So with Reason 13 we had to start out doing a lot of research and design discovery. Luckily, all of you music makers out there are so passionate and willing to share that it didn’t take long until we had figured out what we could improve to make things smoother and let you focus on your music.
New Browser
The first major feature is the new browser. Reason’s been around for 20 years and comes with a staggering number of patches, samples and loops. In fact, some included sounds have gone from modern to terribly out of style to being hip again. However, navigating through this treasure trove of sounds is not easy if you don’t know exactly where to look.
With Reason 13 we’ve categorized and tagged pretty much all patches, loops, and samples in all sound banks, all Reason Studios Rack Extensions, and Sound Packs. This makes it quick to find what you’re looking for and inviting to go exploring for something new. Start typing something and get suggestions for categories, tags, formats, or even which device made the patch. Stack as many filters as you want to narrow your results down to what you want. I’ve already re-discovered awesome patches I haven’t heard in years. We’ve also added a lot of fresh new patches, samples, and loops to the sound bank in Reason 13. But what about all your other content? Your personal sample collection, favorite ReFill, or anything else can of course be tagged by you.
To accommodate this filter based browsing, the browser has been redesigned as a floating window that you open when you need it and resize as you see fit. The previous browser area is now a dedicated Device Palette that takes up less space and is focused solely on devices. Every single Reason device and Rack Extension also have new categories you can filter on. Same for VST3 plugins with built-in categories!
Sequencer update
Next up is one I know many of you are really excited about, a hefty sequencer update. The big thing we saw (and experienced ourselves) with Reason’s sequencer was how easy it was to lose your way. Switching editing modes, unexpected zooming behavior, functions hidden away, understanding what you’re looking it… even if you’re used to it it could be tricky. I often meet people who ask for a feature in Reason that’s actually already in there, they just didn’t know to look in the Tool Window or dig into the key commands for example.
In Reason 13 we’ve integrated the Edit Mode into the main sequencer view as a new Edit Area. While not the most innovative idea, it really makes it easier to keep track of where you are and doing deep editing while still seeing the arrangement at the same time. We’ve also removed the Tool Window (RIP, you bastard!) and integrated all these features into the Edit Area and overhauled all context menus. We even snuck in some new editing feature here that are quite useful. Couple that with new zooming options, including dragging in the timeline, and getting around Reason 13 is both faster and more intuitive. We’ll talk more about the nitty gritty details as we get closer to release!
Finally, it wouldn’t be a Reason upgrade without some new devices. Sidechain Tool, Gain Tool, and Stereo Toolwere designed as workflow helpers for the Rack. As the name implies, they each take on a common task and make it easier. Sidechain Tool offers both automatic sidechain pumping, triggered pumping, and a regular compressor-based sidechain mode. It even includes a Send Mode so you can use it as a Send Effect for several channels. Gain Tool is a utility for managing levels, panning, and routing—particularly useful for complex signal chains, Combinators, Reason Rack Plugin, or even just automating the level without messing with your mixer fader. Last but not least, Stereo Tool is a stereo widener particularly designed to widen mono signals without causing phase issues. Super useful for guitar and vocals… and Subtractor!
Monotone was a real workflow boost when it came out. Immediate, intuitive, and with a great sound. In Reason 13 we wanted to do the same for classic poly synth sounds and the result is Polytone Dual-Layer Synthesizer, a synth-lovers’ synth. Inspired by our favorite vintage hardware, we designed it to quickly create the warm analog sounds you know and love. With a familiar and immediate interface, you’ll feel right at home. However it wouldn’t be a Reason Studios instrument if we didn’t tweak the formula. The oscillators include waveshaping and unique flavors of noise for more tonal variety than the classics. And best of all, Polytone has two layers that can be either stacked or morphed between for both super fat and evolving sounds.
We also made a new effect, Ripley Space Delay, a combined delay and reverb with vast modulation and sound shaping. We spent a lot of time with our favorite delay and reverb units, experimenting with algorithms, and combining it all with new ideas in a way that’s both simple to use and very powerful. The result is a delay that can be both your go-to “normal” delay but also a sound design playground for spacious effects—from clean and digital taps and warm analog delay to crazy lo-fi chirps and washed out ambiences. It’s perhaps the least workflow-focused of all Reason 13 features, but it’s a truly amazing device.
Wrapping up
That’s a lot of words, but I’ve still not covered everything in Reason 13. We’ve actually redesigned the entire UI with a new color scheme, look, and layout, too. There’s a new top bar for navigating the different areas and the dividers have been slimmed down to get out of your way. Companion’s also been refreshed and looks better than ever. It also finally handles the Optional Content that was previously downloaded from within Reason, so now you’ll find Klang, Pangea, Humana, Radical Piano, Drum Supply, and Loop Supply in Companion along with your other downloadable content.
Phew, OK, I think that’s the gist of it. We’re all super excited for all the new features and devices in Reason 13 and I hope you are too! All of this really improves the workflow so that you (and I) can focus on what we love most: making music.
You can buy or upgrade to Reason 13 when it releases on June 18th and if you’re a Reason+ subscriber you’ll of course have access to Reason 13 as soon as it’s available.