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[新闻] Zynaptiq 推出 BALANCE adaptive balancing equalizer 智能平衡均衡器

( 3 )
#1 25-3-4 02:01

Zynaptiq 推出 BALANCE adaptive balancing equalizer 智能平衡均衡器


Zynaptiq has released a new audio plugin which is designed to make global EQ curve shaping quick and easy.

A 16-channel capable smart equalizer that adaptively controls the overall frequency distribution of your audio, BALANCE intelligently adjusts itself to match your audio to a target EQ curve you set with just a handful of controls.

Put any source in its own place near-instantly, rebalance a full mix, or give even great sounding recordings that little something extra.   Works similarly to a match EQ, handles as easily as a tilt EQ, and sounds like a zynaptiq EQ.
The minimum phase BALANCE operates with three samples of latency, and is very CPU efficient – you can literally just insert it across your whole mix, even when running at small buffer sizes.

BALANCE features
-Adaptive balancing equalizer for quickly adjusting overall frequency response.
-Custom engineered minimum phase filtering for pristine sound, low CPU and 3 samples of latency.
-Support for up to 16 channels for immersive workflows.
-Easily adjustable target response curve using SLOPE, WEIGHTING, BASS and AIR controls.
-Global EQ amount control.
-Wet gain control for matching input loudness, scaled by EQ amount.
-12dB/Octave low-cut and high-cut filters.
-Optional double precision processing.
-Fully vectorized, scalable UI.
-Metal/Direct 3D accelerated analyser display.
-Compact EASY view.


本帖最后由 Mr.魔音哥 于 25-3-4 02:03 编辑

#2 25-3-4 13:12

#3 25-3-9 18:04

#4 25-3-11 09:54
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